Giving FAQ


What credit cards do you accept?

What credit cards do you accept?

Visa, MasterCard, and Discover

How should I make out my check? Where do I send my check?

How should I make out my check? Where do I send my check?

Make checks out to Capital University. Send your check along with our Donation Form to:

Development Office
1 College and Main
Columbus, OH 43209-2394

Is my gift tax deductible?

Is my gift tax deductible?

Yes, gifts to Capital University are tax deductible.

How can I get a copy of my donation history?

How can I get a copy of my donation history?

To get a copy of your donation history, email, or call 614-236-6129 or 866-704-0742.

How can I get a duplicate gift receipt?

How can I get a duplicate gift receipt?

Duplicate receipts can be created by submitting a request to Advancement Services at 614-236-6499. If leaving a message, please leave your full name and phone number.

Is it safe to make a gift online?

Is it safe to make a gift online?

Yes. Capital’s secure online giving system encrypts all personal information, including credit card number, name and address. In addition, we do not store your credit card information, so there is no risk of that data being stolen.

What is Capital University’s fiscal year? How does that affect my gift?

What is Capital University’s fiscal year? How does that affect my gift?

Capital University’s fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30. Your giving and participation data are calculated, and donor recognition lists are compiled based on gifts processed between those dates.

How do I designate my gift to a particular school, department or program?

How do I designate my gift to a particular school, department or program?

Donate online, or use our Donation Form to designate your gift to a particular area. With either method, select “Other” as your gift designation and enter the fund name(s) or code(s) where you wish your contribution to be applied. You may also write your gift designation on the memo line of your check, or attach a written note with your gift. Visit our Support Academics or Support Athletics pages for more giving ideas.

How do I set up a recurring gift?

How do I set up a recurring gift?

To set up a recurring gift via credit card, use our Donation Form, email, or call 614-236-6129 or 866-704-0742.

How do I make a gift of stock or securities to Capital University?

How do I make a gift of stock or securities to Capital University?

If you’d like to transfer gifts of appreciated stocks or securities, please go to our Stock and Securities page, email, or call 614-236-6496 or 866-704-0742 for more information.

How do I make a gift of personal property to Capital University?

How do I make a gift of personal property to Capital University?

Capital University accepts gifts of personal property such as real estate, artwork, equipment and other types of tangible property. Prior to the acceptance of the gift, the University will determine if the gift addresses a specific need and is consistent with its mission and policies. Personal property gifts must not involve significant additional expense in its present or future use, maintenance or administration. Email, or call 614-236-6129 or 866-704-0742 for more information about making a gift of personal property.

How do I make a gift in honor of or in memory of someone?

How do I make a gift in honor of or in memory of someone?

Special gifts to Capital University, either honoring a significant event of someone living, or memorializing someone who has passed away, provide valuable support to the University and serve as a lasting tribute to your family member, friend or colleague. Use our Donation Form to create a gift in honor of or in memory of someone. Be sure to include the necessary information so that the appropriate person(s) will be notified of your gift. For more information, please visit our Outright Giving page, email, or call 614-236-6129 or 866-704-0742. 

Capital Fund

What is the Capital Fund?

What is the Capital Fund?

The Capital Fund is the annual giving program that provides support to students, faculty and staff of Capital University. Your unrestricted gifts to the Capital Fund shape the vision and future of the University by providing funding for scholarships, academic and student programming, technology acquisitions and enhancements, faculty research and travel abroad opportunities.

I already made a contribution to the Capital Fund, why are you contacting me again?

I already made a contribution to the Capital Fund, why are you contacting me again?

If you made a gift before June 30, you gave during the current calendar year, but not during Capital’s fiscal year which runs from July 1 to June 30. If we contact you after July 1, we are most likely seeking your renewed support.

Planned Giving

What is the Capital University Heritage Society?

What is the Capital University Heritage Society?

The Heritage Society is the University’s recognition society that includes all living persons who are known to have put a deferred gift in place for the future benefit of Capital University.

How can I name Capital University in my will?

How can I name Capital University in my will?

Please visit our Planned Giving page, email, or call 614-236-6496 or 866-704-0742.

Why should I tell you if I have provided a gift for Capital in my estate plan?

Why should I tell you if I have provided a gift for Capital in my estate plan?

Discussions with Capital University’s gift officers will help ensure that your deferred gift is established according to your wishes and is consistent with the University’s mission and policies. In gratitude for your generosity, Heritage Society membership also includes invitations to special Capital events.


How can I update my personal information with Capital?

How can I update my personal information with Capital?

To let us know of changes in address, marital status, etc., please send an email to Alumni Relations at or call 614-236-6701 or 866-544-6180. Alumni may also change their own personal information in CapConnect, our online alumni community.

How do I get a copy of my transcript?

How do I get a copy of my transcript?

All academic information is provided through the Registrar’s Office. Please visit the Registrar’s Transcript Request page or call 614-236-6707.

Scholarships and Endowments

How do I create an endowed fund?

How do I create an endowed fund?

For more information about establishing an endowed fund or to make a gift in support of an existing fund, please go to our Scholarships & Endowments page, email, or call 614-236-6129 or 866-704-0742.

How much money does it take to establish an endowment?

How much money does it take to establish an endowment?

Endowed Chairs $1,500,000
Endowed Professorships $500,000
Endowed Lectures $500,000
Endowed Scholarships $25,000
Endowed Awards and Prizes $10,000
All Other Types of Endowed Funds $25,000
How can I support an existing endowed fund?

How can I support an existing endowed fund?

If you’d like to contribute to an endowment, but do not meet the minimum naming opportunity, you may donate to the General Endowment Fund, the General Endowment for Student Scholarships, or one of Capital’s existing endowment funds. For more details, visit our Scholarships & Endowments page.

Can I customize the name of my endowment?

Can I customize the name of my endowment?

Yes. You determine the parameters under which an endowed fund is established and named.

How do I find out about my endowment after I have made my gift?

How do I find out about my endowment after I have made my gift?

Once your endowment reaches the minimum funding level and starts earning investment income, Capital University will begin sending you annual correspondence detailing the value and use of your endowed fund.

Can I meet the students who benefit from my scholarship or award?

Can I meet the students who benefit from my scholarship or award?

You may have an opportunity to meet your student recipient at Capital University’s Honors Convocation and Symposium on Undergraduate Scholarship, held each spring. Occasionally, Capital University will host other scholarship events. If you are unable to meet your student at a campus event, we can attempt to arrange a visit for you.

What is the size of Capital’s endowment?

What is the size of Capital’s endowment?

As of June 2014, the market value of Capital University’s pooled endowment fund was $67.8 million.

Once an endowment reaches the minimum gift level, what percentage of earnings is spent each year?

Once an endowment reaches the minimum gift level, what percentage of earnings is spent each year?

Capital’s Board of Trustees limits the annual spending of investment income to 5 percent of the market value of endowment investments.

Once my endowment is fully funded, how soon will distributions begin?

Once my endowment is fully funded, how soon will distributions begin?

If your endowment is fully funded by December 31, distributions will be made the following fall semester. If fully funded after December 31, distributions will not be made until fall semester of the next calendar year. Distributions will be awarded only to recipients who meet the criteria for your fund.

Does a fund have to be endowed?

Does a fund have to be endowed?

Donors may also establish annually supported funds, such as student awards and scholarships. These restricted funds are distributed in amounts based on the donor’s current annual contributions and depend on reoccurring yearly contributions from the donor for continuance.